Please enjoy the first installment of our new blog series about our genuine commitment to offering the freshest ingredients to our clients.

Talk of the Town Offers Coffee That Enhances Events and Transforms Communities

Farm-to-table takes on a totally enhanced meaning when you are in the fortunate position of being able to work with the farmers whose lives have been transformed and the guests who enjoy the end product. Our own Chris Archer and Chef Andrew Brackner journeyed to Costa Rica to learn first-hand what makes THR!VE Coffee not just delicious, but an extremely powerful business that is changing lives for the better. While visiting the fine folks at THR!VE, they got to not only tour the fields where the beans are grown, but also meet the many local farmers whose lives have gone from abject poverty to proud and successful business owners thanks to the vision and commitment of Michael, Kenneth and Alehandro who founded THR!VE. As Chris Archer says, “We could make a lot more money serving a different coffee for the same price, but we know our clients and their guests appreciate being part of something so inspiring.” Learn a lot more about this incredible transformation of communities at